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Locked Media (PPV)
Updated over a week ago

Locked media (aka PPV) is one of the most efficient ways to make money on Fansly. Whether your page is completely sub exclusive, open to everybody, or somewhere in between, selling PPV sets can ensure additional income and make your fans feel like they’re getting even more exclusive content.

There are two different ways to sell your PPV content - on the feed, or in direct messages (DM’s). Both of these methods will have the same setups regarding media permissions.

Selling PPV on the feed


You can find the option to post and sell content on the feed right on the homepage ( The option to set a price will appear once you upload media, or if you decide to lock your text (the first button on the right of the bottom UI pictured). If you want your fans to be able to sort through your content, you can add “Wall Albums” and label them to your liking. By checking off “Add to Walls” when uploading content, you can add your new content to your preferred album as soon as it’s posted.

Media Permissions/Pricing your content

We have an in-depth guide to permissions, and which of them does what in our Creator Guide, but we’ll go over some of them briefly here.


Pictured above, is what your Media Permissions look like - this is the same whether you’re uploading content to your feed, or sending it in DMs. In this window, you can add permissions like subscription tier requirements, follower requirements, price to unlock, and more. Note that there’s an “OR” in between separate permission boxes, this means you can customize permissions so (for example) they’re different for subscribers vs. followers, or different for each subscription tiers. It’s important that you separate permissions with the “OR” if you want your fans to have different options to unlock depending on their support level.

When uploading content to your feed, you have the option for your content to be displayed on the “For You” page (think TikTok, but for XXX content). If the content you’ve uploaded has requirements in order for it to be viewed, you will need to attach a preview picture (Add Free Preview” button to the right up your uploaded content while on the Media Permissions popup). When attaching a preview picture, you can either duplicate the pre-existing media, or upload a new one. Once uploaded, we have an in-house editor that will allow you to add emoji’s and text to censor to your liking. If your timeline has been locked with requirements to view, you will also need to add #fyp to your posts caption. You’ll know it qualifies to be shown on the For You page when you see this above your post, prior to posting.


Check out our Discoverability features article for more info on that as well as hashtags, which are great for PPV posts!

Once your PPV media has been uploaded, you can monitor stats for it by clicking the three dots on the top right of the media, and clicking “Media Stats” (see picture below for reference).


While on that tab, you can see stats for Total Sales (how many times it’s been purchased), Total Sales Value (how much income the purchases have generated), and Pending Sales Value (income from purchases that’s not yet been processed through the 7 day wait period).

Selling content in DM’s (direct messages/private messages)

Uploading and sending content in direct messages ( works very similarly to uploading it to your feed. You can either send content directly to one person in particular, or send out a mass message to a group (or all) of your fans.

To send directly to an individual, you can either type their name through the “Search Conversations” bar (if you’ve already had an interaction with them in private messages), or you can click the letter icon above the list of your previous messages (see below, outlined in red), click “New Message” and type in their username directly. The process for sending media to an individual vs. a mass message, is the same.


This is the same tab where you can craft your mass messages, as well as check on previously scheduled messages (see the “Scheduled” button on the bottom left of the pop-up box).

To craft a mass message, you’ll want to click on the “New Mass Message” tab. From here, you can customize who you want the message to go to. We have a more detailed guide on this feature on our Creator Guide.
To schedule a message message, there will be a calendar on the bottom left of the screen when selecting who to send the mass message to (pictured below, outlined in red).


Once you’ve selected who you want your message to go to, it’s the exact same process as when we uploaded/sold content on the feed!

To track your statistics on mass messages, you can find them under Creator Dashboard > Messages > Broadcast Message Stats. Under that tab, you can see how many people your message was sent to, how many people viewed your mass message, the amount of attachments sent in the message, how many sales it generated, and how much income it generated (if applicable).

Now that you know the standard practice for selling content - get out there, make some money, and most importantly, enjoy yourself!

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